Copernicus Challenge 2023
In 2023, Pixel Wave won the Climate & Health Copernicus Challenge, funded by the European Commission, led by the National Centre for Space Studies (CNES) and operated by the Aerospace Valley cluster.
The Copernicus Challenge
This challenge aims to promote the uptake and use of spatial data from the EU's Earth observation programme, Copernicus.
The goal of this project was to enable the Kanopy Med team to access a data service providing historical data series, notably from the Copernicus programs, at the desired spatial and temporal resolution, in order to study the impact of certain environmental factors on health. Specifically, Kanopy Med aimed to study surface temperature at 2 meters (daily and on a municipality scale, ERA5-Land) and Greenhouse Gases (GHG) (weekly, on a departmental scale, CAMS EGG4) across the entirety of metropolitan France.